Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Things 1-3: Creating the First Post

Somewhere out in the electronic ether is the remains of a blog I created and then abandoned some time ago....Back then, the more I pondered the time and effort required of me to sustain that creation, the easier it was to accept its ultimate demise. You could say I lacked real purpose and the necessary commitment... Hmm, that almost reminds me of a long ago conversation with a guidance counselor (or maybe it was a career counselor??) but no matter--This time the blog will endure. As of today, it is REAL!

Which leads me to my greatest fear...that Web 2.0 will become all consuming because I already have enough basic knowledge to know this stuff IS the night my son and I played around in YouTube and I discovered "Apocalypse Pony" and we watched clips of Soviet military helicopters flying backwards (very cool!). All right...I'm in print on the Web...let the learning begin....

Update: With the perspective gained from an intervening month, all I can say is We 2.0 stuff is both useful and cool, and easy to apply. Keep your mind open and don't be afraid to explore or ask questions of your co-workers. Your only limits to accomplishment are the unalterable facts that humans require sleep and that there are only 24 hours in a day!

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