Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thing # 5: Playing with Images

I used Flickr and other Web based photo services purely as a consumer but never uploaded content prior to today. It is remarkably simple, given the template/drop down environment provided for the user. I can see the ease and obvious advantages of sharing special interest group or family images this way, or using a photo service as a forum to display collections (which is my own personal interest!) Likewise, it would make a wonderful forum for showcasing library space, displays and collections.
Being a visual learner, it's also fun to explore the Flickr site using a few search terms or tags to discover images posted by others. For example, Origins of Business has posted "Business History Photographs" with images of many buildings associated with historic American enterprises (White Castle for one) Then there is a traveler who recorded the locations of the strip style US restaurants where she ate as she journeyed. However, it's not as precise a searching tool (yet) for me so I cannot retrieve the photos again--it's too tag cateories I tried are too broad.

Looking at the other albums is very cool and reminds me of the thematic 35 mm slide collections I once created in the 70s and 80s....Now I can do it again in a more contemporary format!

Today Howard County debuted it's new mobile Emergency Command Center in this area, parked outside on the branch parking lot. I took a number of shots and am including two, one of which is a closeup of thecounty seal. That's some nice (imitation?) gold leaf work in the border.

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