Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing #7 Technology Related Interests: TRANCE!

I love the instant "here and now" aspects of online technology. Others may deride e-mail as "so yesterday" but it is an incredible tool for linking people at work and outside. There's more of course, but the tools and workplace apps are not what I want to cover here....let's talk about listening pleasures.

One of the things I have come to love about the Internet is the variety of music available in streaming format. My 16 year old son got an iTunes account over a year and I would supply an iTunes card with the proviso that I download 2-3 moldy oldies. He pretty much rejected my tastes but turned me on to some of his contemporary music (Rammstein, Cradle of Filth). I did get my younger daughter hooked on Arthur Lee and "Love" the Da Capo album--go figure...One day I explored the iTunes console and the "Radio" function and found the link to over 90 streaming Electronic music sites--and that's it. I found TRANCE! For me, it's a sound alive with a very deep bass drive reaching inside of you (almost like the REAL low notes on a pipe organ more felt than heard), repetition, and even snippets of melody. I always preferred instrumental composition over voice and now I am hooked.

I usually hit, ABF, or Eternal Trance (DJ Hercio) and listen for hours. There are some really creative DJs out there mixing originals and creating remixes incorporating parts of tunes we all recognize. " SOS" by the Police has that great line that can be...morphed (and it sounds better!). I was addicted to Karen Overton's "Put Your Loving Arms Around Me" for two months with four or five remixes I found. I also enjoy the sounds of Kaenow, DJ Macarius, John Avenida (RIP August 2007 ), and Dave Akermanis. And it's out there for free, just like the old AM radio that I grew up with in the 1960s, only there ain't NO commercials!! Ya got to love it. I'd like to attend a live event in the area, despite the fact that I could probably double the age of everyone else there and still have a few years on them. This is apparently not a hot spot for live trance performances though, from what little I can determine.

You either get it or you don't or as my T-shirt proclaims, "It's a trance thing, you wouldn't understand." I like the variety of sounds, love the drive and activity of the music--it's stimulating and it goes right to my core. Only an ignoramus would call it disco because of the beat--it's not even close. My son hates it, my daughter hears it with a more open mind, my assistant manager listened and described it as "annoying." What do I care--it's my thing. I would love to know different brains interact with this sound--I've always suspected I am ADD--is there a connection?

So pardon his digression from the analysis of what I can best use at work to help staff and customers. THIS technology is what helps keep me sane, and without at least a little sanity, nothing works !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blah, sanity is overrated. Deborah