Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing #9: Useful library related-bloggging and feed tools

First, I was not familiar with Merlin until this exercise. it is administered by the good folks at Enoch Pratt PL and is a wonderful resource for those of us who want to be in touch and learn. I have subscribed and will check back with this frequently. I

One useful tool I found in exploring is Page2RSS that enables creating RSS feeds from web pages that do not have them already set up. Iset one up for a ship modeling site I like to follow, although I am not sure because of the multiple pages there that I will capture everything.

The amount of potential "data" available via the Technorati, Topix, andSyndic8 is potentially overwhelming (Feedster is in a morphing phase so I could not see its functionality).

I do not like feeling overwhelmed and that is what a proliferation of feeds and RSS will do to me--I prefer precision. However, with the better understanding I have, it will be much easier to model one on one training with staff and educate customers. This isn't the future --it's yesterday and now...!

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